Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Mother's Day 2011

Breakfast and coffee before
I could open both eyes.
A homemade card. Handwritten words.
Just for me.

Sunday worship as a family.
Songs and prayer.
God's love. A real faith.

Understanding what it means
to be a mother.
Understanding that I do not know what it means
to lose a mother.
Or to be a mother who cannot
beyond her control
become one.
Or to be a mother
without her child near or even,

Lunch sitting down.
Using real utensils instead of
my own ten.
Eating the last bite
without guilt.
Splurging on a sweet mocha cappuccino.

Meandering through a bookstore.
Remembering what it's like
to meander through a bookstore.
Listening with delight to others speak
on white paper.

Take out in a clean house.
Two kids chasing nothing but
space in a basement.
Who say "I love you" because
I taught them how.

God, giving me those two reasons
to celebrate today. To remember:
celebrate them everyday.

A husband who loves me as
his wife. As their mother.
Who loves me enough to tell me.

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