432 times a day on average, each, if it's a good day.
Starting with first thing in the morning know nothing else but sleepy love. They stir me.
Celebrating breakfast choice independence no milk yes milk no cereal I want a granola bar no I said raisin toast. Please? They ask me.
From faraway bedrooms and hmm where are they exactly I wonder candyland corners come back here and play with us. They want me.
With I can't reach it open it wipe it buckle it find it color it right frustration. They need me.
With we can't solve it how to split a plastic guitar in two fair pieces I don't understand life is so unfair. They beg me.
With incessant whining louder growing shouting high fever screaming urgently now or something's breaking maybe your is it bedtime patience. They demand me.
With there's nothing else I need or want no boo-boo bandaid hurt I'm tired sad alone scared all I need is to feel loved. They reach for me.
My children.
They call me.
Mommy? Mommy, Mommy. Mommy! Mom-mmy. Mooommmy. Mom.
432 times a day on average. Each.
If only I had a prayer for every time they said my name maybe I'd exemplify patient love instead of stirring, asking, wanting, needing, begging, demanding, reaching, and calling for it.
...oh. I realize.
If they didn't call me - then who?
They only call me - because why?
They call me because I answer.
Not always the way they want me to.
Not always because they understand.
But I answer. Because I love them.
Because I always will.
They trust me need me love me therefore they call me.
432 times a day, each, they remind me
That I need Him
Like they need me.
432 times a day, each, my children remind me
To call out for Him
As often and as desperately
As they call for me.
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